Kagame to deliver keynote address on ICT at AU Summit

KIGALI - President Kagame is scheduled to participate in the African Union (AU) Summit of Heads of State that begins today in Addis Ababa. The theme of the summit is Information and Communications Technology. President Kagame, a strong proponent of ICT as an engine of economic growth, is scheduled to deliver a keynote address to the summit entitled “Information and Communication Technologies in Africa: Challenges and Prospects for Development”.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

KIGALI - President Kagame is scheduled to participate in the African Union (AU) Summit of Heads of State that begins today in Addis Ababa. The theme of the summit is Information and Communications Technology.

President Kagame, a strong proponent of ICT as an engine of economic growth, is scheduled to deliver a keynote address to the summit entitled "Information and Communication Technologies in Africa: Challenges and Prospects for Development”.

The President, a member of the Advisory Council for the 2011 World Bank Development Report, is also scheduled to participate in a council meeting to be held at the AU headquarters immediately following the summit.

Other meetings that will be held on the sidelines of the summit include an ALMA (African Leaders Malaria Alliance) event and a round table discussion on ICT organised jointly by the African Development Bank and World Bank.
