FICTION : Silent in court!

…continued from last Sunday… Oblivious to Mr. Menza, the lady he gave a lift worked in cahoots with the traffic police to unlawfully solicit money from the unsuspecting motorists. She without his knowledge left a small parcel under the seat containing contraband drugs. “Come over here sir and please, explain to us what this is you are carrying,” a seemingly shocked police officer called on Mr. Menza.

Friday, January 29, 2010

…continued from last Sunday…

Oblivious to Mr. Menza, the lady he gave a lift worked in cahoots with the traffic police to unlawfully solicit money from the unsuspecting motorists. She without his knowledge left a small parcel under the seat containing contraband drugs.

"Come over here sir and please, explain to us what this is you are carrying,” a seemingly shocked police officer called on Mr. Menza.

"I have no idea where this parcel came from,” said Mr. Menza.

"Did you say no idea? Didn’t we find it in your vehicle? Whose vehicle is this?” inquired the police officer.
"It is mine but…” "But what?” the police officer rudely interjected to whatever Mr. Menza was about to say.

"Let us not waste time here. You are a drug peddler and you know it. Save your time and ours. We either settle the case here or we take you in so you can explain yourself better. The choice is yours.” 

Mr. Menza was at this time flabbergasted. He thought hard and tried to figure out where the parcel would have come from. He shared his vehicle with no one and nobody else had his car keys.

"Dear Lord. What is all this?” he mattered to himself. By police suggesting that they settle the case there meant that he bribes them something that is unlawful and was in contradiction to his faith. At the same time, this would imply that he indeed was a peddler. "No way!” he said loudly.

"No way?” another police officer asked rhetorically. "What do you mean by that?” he asked Mr. Menza. "Guys, look here, I swear to God I’ve got nothing to do with this. I am a Christian and have never even thought of getting involved in the wicked acts of the devil such as this.

They are just workings of the devil,” Menza pleaded.
"From what you are saying, it means you are prepared to go to court and explain yourself. Am I right Mr….Mr. who?

What is your name again?” "Am Mr. Menza and I will not agree to side with the evil one. No weapon that is fashioned against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me shall be condemned,” Mr. Menza consoled himself by quoting this verse from the Bible.

The police officers realized that Mr. Menza was not about to ‘cough’ something. They stepped aside from where Mr. Menza was standing and conversed. Mr. Menza was left saying silent prayers to God to intervene.

"This guy is not the type who will relinquish because of his faith. Let us book him in and wait for another opportunity. Otherwise we will be wasting our time for nothing,” one police officer suggested and the rest concurred.

"Patrol, patrol, patrol,” Police officer called on radio. "Patrol receiving, Patrol receiving, go ahead over,” answered back the officers on patrol. "We have a suspect that has to be taken to the station to recording a statement…over,” said the police officer with the radio call. "Copied and coming right away…over!”

Mr. Menza overheard the conversation between the officers and it dawned on him that indeed things were amiss. He went inside the vehicle to look for his mobile phone to try and call his boss and inform him of the development but before he could dial, the police on patrol arrived.

"What do we have here?” A police officer on patrol asked. "We have a stubborn drug peddler here who adamantly wants to face the ugly face of the law,” said one of the officers manning the road block.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.

Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?” asked the arresting officer to a shaking Mr. Menza while handcuffing him.
"Can’t I even call anyone before you take me in?” Mr. Menza asked with a shrieking voice.

"Never mind, you will call whoever you want at the station,” the officer answered back.

Mr. Menza was whisked to the police station and in no time, he found himself recording a statement in the Occurrence Book (OB). It is after recording that he was given a chance to make only one call. He called his wife and informed her of what had happened. He instructed her to relay the same information to his boss.

Mr. Menza was thrown in a cell. He would be taken to court the following day. His wife did as instructed.

She called Mr. Menza’s boss and they decided to go together to the police station to find out what had transpired. Sure enough, Mr. Menza was in custody and they were not allowed to talk to him until the following day when he was to be presented to court. Mr. Menza’s wife fainted on hearing the news. It was such a bitter pill for her to swallow.

At ten o’clock the following day, Menza’s wife, her two children and Mr. Menza’s boss were all seated in the courtroom eager to hear the outcome. There was silence in court that morning. The prosecutor, the court clerk and the police were all seated waiting for the accused and the judge to come in.

The accused came in handcuffed and escorted by two policemen. On seeing her husband, Mrs. Menza wailed loudly. She was taken out of the courtroom by the court police as she protested loudly cursing the government of the day.

Her two children followed her sobbing. Soon afterwards, the judge arrived. Everyone stood the moment the judge arrived and sat down when he sat.

The session started. The case was read to the accused and after that the accused was required to plead if guilty or not. "Your honour, for sure am being framed,” Mr. Menza said but before he could go on, the judge intervened and asked, "Ok, was the parcel found in your vehicle?” "Yes, your honour,” he answered. "Do you share the vehicle with any other person?” "No, your honour,” he answered. "And how can you convince this court that you are being framed?”

Mr. Menza was angry because for sure he was innocent though unable to convince the court. Anger caught up with him and he became hysterical and started saying loudly how good he is and has been. "Silent in court!” the prosecutor repeated this for several times until the judge read the verdict.

"The accused has failed to convince this court or provide tangible evidence how innocent he is. This court therefore finds the accused guilty for an offence punishable under the law of this land. It’s my judgment that he be jailed for seven years and without bail,” the verdict was read leaving Mr. Menja in shock and his wife and children in tears!

"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian,” Said Dennis Wholey
