ICT award was worth it

In a recent cerenomy held in Johannesburg, South Africa, President Kagame won the African ICT Lifetime Achievers Award from ForgeAhead, an independent ICT research and consultancy company that works across Africa.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

In a recent cerenomy held in Johannesburg, South Africa, President Kagame won the African ICT Lifetime Achievers Award from ForgeAhead, an independent ICT research and consultancy company that works across Africa.

The ICT broadband connectivity has enabled Rwanda host the Secretariat of Connect Africa initiative which was adopted in the Kigali October summit.

The Connect Africa Summit (CAS) has among its many goals the will to use Rwanda Bureau as a connecting point for all the African capitals and major cities with ICT broadband infrastructure by 2012.

The bureau will also oversee the connect of every country’s general e-strategy which include cyber-security framework, and deploy at least one transactional e-government other related services.

In the same period there will be an establishment of an ICT centre of excellence in each sub-region of Africa and connection of all African villages to ICTs including internet access to at least 60 percent of villages.

This agenda will not leave out the adoptation of effective and transparent regulatory practices in each country to help bring down the price of broadband ICT services by at least 50 per cent.

Kagame’s ardent push for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) devolvepment has served himwhat he is worht of.

As Rwandans, we only need to support this bright vison of realising the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
