Huye residents demand safe water

HUYE – Local residents in Mukura sector have expressed concerns over the lack of proper drinking water, saying that they have been exposed to diseases attributed to the consumption of untreated water. In Buvumo cell, residents said that they walk at least 4 kilometres to get to the closest water source, those who cannot walk, pay Rwf100 for a 24 litres of dam water.

Friday, January 29, 2010

HUYE – Local residents in Mukura sector have expressed concerns over the lack of proper drinking water, saying that they have been exposed to diseases attributed to the consumption of untreated water.

In Buvumo cell, residents said that they walk at least 4 kilometres to get to the closest water source, those who cannot walk, pay Rwf100 for a 24 litres of dam water.

The Executive Secretary of Mukura sector, Alexis Munyamfura, in an interview with The New Times noted that plans are underway to provide local residents with safe drinking water under the Southern Province Drinking Water and Sanitation Project (PEPAPS).

"We are working around the clock to solve the problem,” he said. "We are optimistic that this will be achieved by next year.”
