NGO uses drama to fight domestic violence

RWAMAGANA – Search for Common Grounds (SCG), an international NGO known as has embarked on sensitization of people of Ruhunda village in Rwamagana district against domestic violence, using drama. Alice Akalisa one of the actors said that the experience they have, is that the message accrued in the drama is always reflected in the daily lives of people.

Friday, January 29, 2010
Search for Common Ground dramatists on stage. (Photo: S. Rwembeho)

RWAMAGANA – Search for Common Grounds (SCG), an international NGO known as has embarked on sensitization of people of Ruhunda village in Rwamagana district against domestic violence, using drama.

Alice Akalisa one of the actors said that the experience they have, is that the message accrued in the drama is always reflected in the daily lives of people.

She said that they study the societies before staging the drama, so that the message meets the reality of the people.

"We know the situation in families and communities, which is why, when we start staging the drama we try to captivate our audiences. We at the same time use drama to teach the people how to solve their differences, without necessarily going violent”.

Alphonsina Nyiramana, 47, a resident of the village said that the teachings reflected exactly what is happening in their community.

"It is as if these people have been to my home. I am always at loggerheads with my husband on various issues but with such teachings I am optimistic that we shall come to terms with our differences,” she said.

Mariya Nyirabahizi, 42, a local leader in the area said that such teachings are important in a community prone to differences which he attributed to ignorance.

"We have been teaching these people for long against domestic violence and they have not changed much. So, since there is another way being used, I hope they will change,” she said.

Domestic violence in Ruhunda and its neighbourhood is always high due to land disputes, polygamy and abuse of alcohol, residents said.
