Nyanza affected by long droughts

NYANZA – Residents of Ntyazo sector, Nyanza district, have expressed concern over a looming food shortage due to the dry spell which affected food production this season. “The production of beans has been very low while the maize has been attacked by insects,” Augustin Sentumwa, one of the affected farmers said. Consequently the low production has affected food prices in the local markets, with some items selling at more than double the price

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

NYANZA – Residents of Ntyazo sector, Nyanza district, have expressed concern over a looming food shortage due to the dry spell which affected food production this season.

"The production of beans has been very low while the maize has been attacked by insects,” Augustin Sentumwa, one of the affected farmers said.

Consequently the low production has affected food prices in the local markets, with some items selling at more than double the price

Prices of beans in Ntyazo market have increased from Rwf120 per kg ago to an all time high of Rwf 280.

"There are food shortages, the foodstuffs in the market are supplied by farmers who must have planted early,” Onesphore Gasamaza, a beans trader said.

Local leaders however, downplayed the effects of the dry spell saying, the area is surrounded by two marshlands that should favor the production of food even during dry seasons.

"Yes, it is true that the yield has been low this season, but still there is no reason for one to think of food shortages,” Védaste Mbarubukeye, the Executive Secretary of Ntyazo sector said "We have big plantations of rice and we are harvesting maize we planted in marshlands, the population should not panic.”
