Grace Kwinjeh was right about Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza

Editor, I just finished reading her article “Rwandans cannot fall forIngabire’s toxic rhetoric” and I’m inclined to write a letter of thanks. Truly, her timely article is imperative to all Rwandans in today’s politics. Thanks for your wonderful writing skills and choice of words. It was greatly appreciated.

Monday, January 25, 2010
Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza


I just finished reading her article "Rwandans cannot fall for
Ingabire’s toxic rhetoric” and I’m inclined to write a letter of thanks. Truly, her timely article is imperative to all Rwandans in today’s politics.

Thanks for your wonderful writing skills and choice of words. It was greatly appreciated.

Julianne Kayonga



I want to thank Grace Kwinjeh for the lovely article she wrote in The New Times of Monday January 25th. As someone who is following that ladies words and activities, I think she should be taken to a mental hospital first and have doctors assess her because I think that she might have mental issues. Either that or she is being used by some other second party, sadly for her.

Anyway as someone who fought for this country of a thousand hills a, I will not just stand there and see it being taken away by someone whose mind is full of divisionism, hatred and so double genocide ideologies.

So allow me to thank her so much and please keep teaching and creating awareness in Rwanda.

David Nkurunziza