Over 800 classrooms completed

RWAMAGANA -  Over 840 classrooms to support 9-year basic education have been finished in several schools in the Eastern Province. This was revealed last Friday during a meeting of provincial leaders that was attended by the district Mayors and chaired by the Governor Dr. Ephraim Kabaija. The meeting was meant to assess and evaluate the construction process of the new classroom blocks. 

Sunday, January 24, 2010
One of the new classroom blocks that have been finalized in readiness for the new academic year. (Photo /s. Rwembeho)

RWAMAGANA -  Over 840 classrooms to support 9-year basic education have been finished in several schools in the Eastern Province.

This was revealed last Friday during a meeting of provincial leaders that was attended by the district Mayors and chaired by the Governor Dr. Ephraim Kabaija.

The meeting was meant to assess and evaluate the construction process of the new classroom blocks. 

The Governor noted that the new buildings will also alleviate the general shortage of classrooms in schools in Bugesera and Nyagatare districts. 

"The classrooms are not only going to help us start the academic year with the new program, but we shall also end the ugly scenarios of children studying under trees,” he said. 

Sabiti Atuhe, the Mayor of Nyagatare district said that he is positive that Nyagatare will complete the exercise as scheduled , adding that the few remaining classes are being finalized. 

"Our district is facing the biggest deficit in terms of the number of classrooms needed. Due to such constrains we have had to work extra hard to fill this gap. I am pleased to say today that more than 200 classes are ready for use,” he said. 

Protais Murayire, the Mayor of Kirehe said all the intended classrooms needed have been completed and schools were ready to receive additional students without any problem. 

"We are set for the next academic year with all the required classrooms in place. The parents and all other stakeholders were instrumental in the completion of the classrooms,” he said. 

The meeting noted that Ngoma, Kirehe, and Gatsibo were the only districts left doing final touches on the classrooms.  
