Employees test for HIV

Workers of GTZ, a German international development agency, have been encouraged to take HIV tests as to gain from the organisation’s benefits to people with the disease.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Workers of GTZ, a German international development agency, have been encouraged to take HIV tests as to gain from the organisation’s benefits to people with the disease.

"GTZ normally helps its staff with HIV/Aids 100 percent. So, for the staff to benefit from this, they have to undergo blood test as to know their status,” Sage Semafara, Service Coordinator GTZ, said on Monday.
She led the way by taking a test for HIV at the organisation’s headquarters in Kiyovu.
She said that the workers had requested for the general personnel voluntary blood test.  GTZ pays hospital bills for its workers affected by the HIV/Aids scourge.

Semafara also encouraged institutions to make arrangements for their employees to take HIV tests
"Institutions should play a role in this because Aids takes a toll on employees,” she said