Pakistan, Serbia, Sudan envoys visit MINADEF

KIGALI - Shortly after presenting their credentials to President Paul Kagame yesterday, new envoys from Sudan, Pakistan and Serbia paid separate courtesy calls to the Minister of Defence, Gen. Marcel Gatsinzi ,and the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. James Kabarebe.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Gen. James Kabarebe Sudanese envoy Hussein Awad Ali

KIGALI - Shortly after presenting their credentials to President Paul Kagame yesterday, new envoys from Sudan, Pakistan and Serbia paid separate courtesy calls to the Minister of Defence, Gen. Marcel Gatsinzi ,and the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. James Kabarebe.

The Nairobi-based Pakistani and Serbian diplomats – Masroor A. Junejo and Zdravko Bisic respectively, jointly met with the minister just minutes after Kabarebe had met with Sudan’s Hussein Awad Ali.

After meeting with Gatsinzi, Junejo told The New Times that his first-ever visit to the country will be followed by more practical trips.

"My talks with the minister were in the context of finding ways through which we can further improve on our relations in different areas,” Junejo said during the interview.

"Pakistan has some good military institutions of world repute – we would like to see how we can help bring more substance to our relations.”

Likewise, Bisic noted that the courtesy call to the minister was "informal but a good basis for better future cooperation.”

The Sudanese envoy stressed that he had particularly come to pay condolences to Rwandans for the Rwandan peacekeepers recently killed while on peace keeping duty in his country’s strife-stricken Darfur region.
