Is Public Display of Affection that appalling?

I am always true about my feelings. When it comes to displaying affection, I follow my heart, no matter who is watching. I adore holding hands with my boyfriend. If need be, I kiss his cheek or even hug him tightly, even when millions are staring. Pals criticize this behavior; they call me; a showoff, a wannabe White, a spoiled brat….all sorts of names. Meanwhile, I proudly continue displaying affection, regardless of public opinion. To brand it, let’s call Public display of affection [PDA], the Lillian syndrome.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I am always true about my feelings. When it comes to displaying affection, I follow my heart, no matter who is watching. I adore holding hands with my boyfriend. If need be, I kiss his cheek or even hug him tightly, even when millions are staring.

Pals criticize this behavior; they call me; a showoff, a wannabe White, a spoiled brat….all sorts of names. Meanwhile, I proudly continue displaying affection, regardless of public opinion. To brand it, let’s call Public display of affection [PDA], the Lillian syndrome.

Though still on the low, the Lillian syndrome is glorified in a negative way. Public display of affection is generally considered to be an American term, but many cultures have written and unwritten rules governing it. Generally it’s highly criticised.

It’s one thing to make out by the roadside and another to hold hands with a true friend. Thank God, a simple kiss is regarded a form of greeting as per the Rwandan culture; otherwise displaying affection in public would only be for the bold.

If partners enjoy being seen affectionate towards each other in public, it’s often considered a mild form of exhibitionism. Dare hold around one’s waist and you will be a centre of attraction. People will look at you like you are an alien invading their land.

Some who are open minded will advise you to go book a hotel room so you can express your immoral acts. Others will continuously rebuke you with insulting words.

Alternatively, the partners may be indifferent, and therefore not inhibited by their actions.

PDA has stood against all the criticism. The more modernity takes over, the more love birds express affection towards each other publicly. Is PDA, that bad?

Of course not. Don’t get me wrong, you shouldn’t make love in public but a simple kiss is fine. It can only be wrong if exaggerated but if it’s aimed at expressing sincere feelings, then it’s OK.

When will stalkers ever know that you have a darling, if you are scared going public?  Humans are not beasts, they don’t go to extremes. Humans can’t make love in the park while dogs do it all the time.

Besides, genuine love never hides, unless partners are not proud of it or not ready to commit.

Remember it’s all right and fair in an affair. You might end up accidentally kissing in public without your consciousness.

Whereas some couples are too shy to even kiss publicly on their wedding day, to others, overtly showing their affection is the best. Forever is too long to confine one’s love to the bedroom alone.
