FROM THE EDITOR : You too can make a difference

The world is still shocked by the catastrophe that befell Haiti. The earthquake that struck that poor Island was so vicious it left almost nothing standing, it even had no respect for the Presidential Palace. Aid and help for almost a week could not reach the people of Haiti because of the destroyed transport and other communication infrastructure. However, now help seems to be reaching even the remotest of places.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The world is still shocked by the catastrophe that befell Haiti. The earthquake that struck that poor Island was so vicious it left almost nothing standing, it even had no respect for the Presidential Palace. Aid and help for almost a week could not reach the people of Haiti because of the destroyed transport and other communication infrastructure.

However, now help seems to be reaching even the remotest of places. Many people lost their lives, others lost their limbs, and many were traumatised. However, the human spirit was not broken, it should not be. That’s why every nation is trying to give all the help and support it can.

You too can contribute to this noble cause. Your small contribution could be the one that will make a Haitian regain faith in life and strive to rebuild their nation.

In Rwanda, the Haitian community held a fundraiser yesterday. You can still make your contribution. You can google the net for websites dedicated to helping the people of Haiti so you can know how to make yours reach them.

In case you can’t make the material contribution, you can at least pray for them. Either way, you will have made a difference.
