Witnessing change

Dear Editor,I want to join other Rwandans who are witnessing the economic progress of this country.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dear Editor,
I want to join other Rwandans who are witnessing the economic progress of this country.

The Capital city has expanded causing mass migration from rural areas to the urban centres in search of a better life.
There is been extensively noticeable investment in infrastructure assuring Rwandans of secure and self-contained housing in the near future, alongside the emerging standard infrastructure.

The backbone which is the agriculture sector is now strong enough to sustain the livelihoods of the populace and increase the exports. Not forgetting that the health sector which has been made priority.

I am thankful to the visionary leadership of the President.

And I can only pray for better development to benefit all Rwandans.

Herbert Kimenyi