The relocation of the Journalism School is long overdue

The idea that the National University of Rwanda’s (NUR) School of Journalism should be relocated from Butare to Kigali, is a good move and the reasons for the shift are quite convincing. Kigali, as the national capital, is endowed with resources which will go a long way in improving the training of our journalists. Kigali has the critical mass of journalism and related professionals who are willing to lend a helping hand.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The idea that the National University of Rwanda’s (NUR) School of Journalism should be relocated from Butare to Kigali, is a good move and the reasons for the shift are quite convincing.

Kigali, as the national capital, is endowed with resources which will go a long way in improving the training of our journalists. Kigali has the critical mass of journalism and related professionals who are willing to lend a helping hand.
Additionally, Kigali is not only the headquarters for the major media houses, but it is also the centre of issues that affect the running of the country.

However, despite a consensus on the benefits of relocating the school to Kigali, it appears that there are administrative and red tape elements that are blocking or slowing down the process.

NUR and Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), the proposed destination of the school, should work in close collaboration to expedite this process.

They are both government institutions and should work in the interest of all Rwandans. 

On one hand, we cannot be talking about boosting the fortunes of the journalism profession through better training, while on the other hand we are still taking our time to make such moves. Relocation of the faculty should be taken as matter of priority and all concerned authorities should step in.
