20 new houses for the vulnerable

EASTERN PROVINCE RUTSIRO—District through voluntary work has completed over 20 moderately built houses for the vulnerable residents in Gabiro and Musasa sectors. Given priority are child and women headed families of orphans and widows and the disabled members.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


RUTSIRO—District through voluntary work has completed over 20 moderately built houses for the vulnerable residents in Gabiro and Musasa sectors. Given priority are child and women headed families of orphans and widows and the disabled members.

"Voluntary work is the best tool to achieve wealth,” said John Ndimubahire, the mayor.

The mayor encouraged the beneficiaries to take good care of the houses and utilize them for different income generating activities so that they can be able ‘some day’ to help other vulnerable members.

Eight other houses are still under construction and would be handed over to the beneficiaries as soon as they are finished.

The other sectors of the district have been asked to emulate togetherness in tackling Agriculture, peace building, family planning and health.
