Teach children sex education, parents told

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA—District mayor Francois Niyotwagira has asked parents to impart sexual education among their children, as a strategy against Aids. He was last Saturday speaking at activities to commemorate World Aids day at Cyasemakamba stadium.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


NGOMA—District mayor Francois Niyotwagira has asked parents to impart sexual education among their children, as a strategy against Aids. He was last Saturday speaking at activities to commemorate World Aids day at Cyasemakamba stadium.

He attributed fornication among youth, which is one of the most common ways of spreading the virus, to busy parents who are too preoccupied to discuss with their children about the dangers of premarital sex. He said the children end up practicing what they hear from their peers with little knowledge.

He further noted that some aspects of culture bar parents from freely discussing about issues of sex with their children, warning that this would affect the war against Aids.

"Youth are the future leaders of Rwanda and we have to do our best as parents to save them from all dangers most especially HIV/Aids,” Niyotwagira said.

He urged all people to take up voluntary tests to find out their status and if found positive plan how to live positively.

"Though we have drugs, they can not cure Aids but the best way is to abstain from sex before marriage,” he said, urging HIV tests for intending couples.

Aids plays, songs and poems by students from different schools in Ngoma   conveying messages of abstinence and use of condoms marked the day under the theme "the responsibilities of the family in fighting Aids most especially in youth.”

The plays also carried messages advocating for proper feeding among HIV positive individuals and urging expectant mothers to give birth from health centers in order to produce health babies.

HIV positive individuals gave their testimonies reaffirming their commitment to live a positive life.
