Kimironko excluded from Gasabo by-elections

The National Electoral Commission has suspended Kimironko Sector from taking part in the forthcoming Gasabo mayoral by-elections over irregularities. The post fell vacant when Claudine Nyinawagaga resigned in November last year.

Thursday, January 21, 2010
RESIGNED: Claudine Nyinawagaga

The National Electoral Commission has suspended Kimironko Sector from taking part in the forthcoming Gasabo mayoral by-elections over irregularities.

The post fell vacant when Claudine Nyinawagaga resigned in November last year.

According to Felicien Kagisha, the NEC coordinator in Kigali City, Kimironko held elections for councilors who elect the Mayor.

Flavia Sarafina was announced the winner, however, her rival Emeritha Nyirabizimana, petitioned the results claiming vote rigging leading to the results being annulled.

Kagisha said that they cannot let the Kimironko mess delay electing the Mayor.

"The elections for the Kimironko councillorship will be held another time,” Kagisha said. "But their absentia will not stop us from going ahead to elect the Mayor. Elections will continue despite having one person less on the electoral colleges.”

When contacted, Sarafina said was not aware of NEC’s decision to kick out Kimironko. 

"I have never received any information from NEC, I get all the information from The New Times,” she said. "They officiated at the elections I won. It’s very absurd if NEC decided like that without telling us why,” she said.
