Musoni plants unity and reconciliation tree

SOUTHERN PROVINCE KAMONYI—The minister of local government, Protais Musoni on Monday planted a unity and reconciliation tree at Ruyenzi junction, as a symbol of fighting genocide ideology.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


KAMONYI—The minister of local government, Protais Musoni on Monday planted a unity and reconciliation tree at Ruyenzi junction, as a symbol of fighting genocide ideology.

Residents in the province have previously been pinned by various leaders and research reports to harbor genocide ideologies.

Other ministers including Protais Mitali, of commerce, information minister Laurent Nkusi, Christophe Bazivamo, of environment and health minister  Jean Damascene Ntawukuliryayo, also planted symbolic trees on the ground bearing the country’s map.

Minister Musoni was apparently representing President Paul Kagame at the function that also attracted active participation of residents and local leaders towards unity and reconciliation.

"There is no space for genocide ideology in Rwanda and this move will be a symbol to all residents to be actively involved in eliminating the existing genocide ideology and also be exemplary to other parts of the country,” Musoni said.

He added that: "Rwandans should start finding possible solutions to the problems facing the country instead of wasting time in useless genocide ideology that ruined our country.”

The activity was sponsored by the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) in conjunction with the southern province, the first of its kind in the country.

The ministers and local leaders planted similar trees in various homesteads in the area and residents also shared tree seedlings amongst each other as a sign of redemption.

Jean Batiste Habyarimana, the President of NURC said that unity was the only way of mending the consequences of genocide.

"Genocide ideology and poverty are still big problems today and after 13 years, it’s important to teach citizens with symbols and reminders so as to work towards patriotism and development based on a culture of peace, unity and reconciliation,” Habyarimana said.

Similar trees would be planted by residents allover the province and residents were urged to support and inculcate values of unity and reconciliation to the young generation.

Others present included Governor Fidel Ndayisaba, senators, Members of parliament, local and religious leaders.
