DRC’s Kabila should seek peace

Democratic Republic of Congo is vastly rich to afford a lead of life free from ethic wars but this is impossible without the will of the leaders at all levels. Be it Joseph Kabila or Laurent Nkunda, Congo is nothing without a reliable leadership.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Democratic Republic of Congo is vastly rich to afford a lead of life free from ethic wars but this is impossible without the will of the leaders at all levels. Be it Joseph Kabila or Laurent Nkunda, Congo is nothing without a reliable leadership.

So that the two individuals must sit on the same table to devise and improvise means and ways of brining lasting peace, security and development on the vast African country.

There different view points should not be the lag and delay of the development of innocent Africans.

Kabila and Laurent Nkunda should reach a diplomatic resolution than fostering military solutions.
