National Service timely

Authorities are contemplating introducing National Service for some professions, especially in the education and health sectors, in order to utilize their skills in nation-building. The argument is that the government invests a lot of money in education, but the public does not realise full benefits, as many graduates opt for employment elsewhere, for various reasons.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Authorities are contemplating introducing National Service for some professions, especially in the education and health sectors, in order to utilize their skills in nation-building.

The argument is that the government invests a lot of money in education, but the public does not realise full benefits, as many graduates opt for employment elsewhere, for various reasons.

National Service has been successful in many countries; with some requiring graduating professionals to be employed with government for a specific period of time, before they are allowed to seek jobs outside the public sector.

But market economics notwithstanding, young ambitious men and women, have only one thing in mind: Money is the bottom line.

By introducing the National Service, the government will be killing two birds with one stone: Not only will it benefit highly from the skills of the young men and women, it might even trigger in some, the desire to devote their lives to public service.

National Service does not only serve to harness the professional skills, it also sensitizes the graduates to the imperative to selflessly serve one’s nation.

It is, therefore, an initiative which could not have come at a more appropriate time.
