Local leader in trouble over “one cow” program

RUBAVU – District authorities have ordered the arrest of the head of the Busasamana Sector advisory council over irregularities in the redistribution exercise under the one cow program. Benoît Fufuka, is accused of including his name in the new list of beneficiaries yet he was not among those considered as deserving beneficiaries.

Monday, January 18, 2010

RUBAVU – District authorities have ordered the arrest of the head of the Busasamana Sector advisory council over irregularities in the redistribution exercise under the one cow program.

Benoît Fufuka, is accused of including his name in the new list of beneficiaries yet he was not among those considered as deserving beneficiaries.

Sources say he received a cow and then sold it off then lied to authorities that the cow had died. Paul Jabo, the provincial executive secretary, confirmed that Fufuka would be penalised for his actions.

"It’s true this man had lied and forged papers to confirm it, which is illegal,” Jabo said.

"Rubavu district Mayor told me that his office is asking police to issue an arrest warrant.”
