Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza is out of order!

Editor, I was nonplussed by Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza’s remarks at the Gisozi Genocide Memorial. How anyone in their right mind would attempt to espouse the ‘double-genocide’ lie at such a place is beyond me. Doesn’t she even have a shred of common decency? Of all the places to peddle such lies, she decided to do so at such a place? I think that she has lost the plot.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I was nonplussed by Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza’s remarks at the Gisozi Genocide Memorial. How anyone in their right mind would attempt to espouse the ‘double-genocide’ lie at such a place is beyond me.

Doesn’t she even have a shred of common decency? Of all the places to peddle such lies, she decided to do so at such a place? I think that she has lost the plot.

The mere thought that someone like that would even have the audacity to run for the presidency is ludicrous.

I’m not saying that, as a Rwandan, she doesn’t have the right to stand for the highest office in the land, I’m just wondering whether she thinks that she can get voted in on the back of such utterances.

While I’m of the view that all Rwandan politicians should come home to be able to participate in the Rwandan recovery, people like her, with such terrible utterances make me think twice.

Bob Mutangana