A pint of milk per child program is essential

Editor, Many initiatives that have been made by the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the other ministries are to be commended. Initiatives like nine year basic education and one laptop per child are programs that will increase the levels of human capital in this nation of ours. These students will be tech savvy because of their familiarity with computers and IT, and the nine year free basic education will simply increase the numbers of children in school.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Many initiatives that have been made by the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the other ministries are to be commended. Initiatives like nine year basic education and one laptop per child are programs that will increase the levels of human capital in this nation of ours.

These students will be tech savvy because of their familiarity with computers and IT, and the nine year free basic education will simply increase the numbers of children in school.

However, I think that the proposal to supply every Rwandan child with a pint of milk everyday is one of the best government educational initiatives I’ve heard about.

Such a program is going to be aimed at supplementing these children’s diets.

This program will improve the health of the children as well as boost their level of academic performance. Many children go to school without eating breakfast therefore feeding milk to these hungry children will help them become better students.

It’s not enough to give a child knowledge if that child is unable to absorb anything because his/her stomach is empty. Maybe, one day when the funding is available, we shall be giving each child a basic meal as well.

Tom Kalisa