Man held for attempted rape

KAYONZA – A man who allegedly attempted to rape a 16-year old girl has been arrested and detained at Kabarondo Police Station in Kayonza district. Eugene Habiyaremye, a resident of Nyankora village in Rwinkwavu sector, is said to have tried to rape Godance Bashimiyimana on Thursday night.

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Eugene Habiyaremye (seated in middle) being driven to the police station following his arrest by community policing agents. (Photo: S. Rwembeho)

KAYONZA – A man who allegedly attempted to rape a 16-year old girl has been arrested and detained at Kabarondo Police Station in Kayonza district.

Eugene Habiyaremye, a resident of Nyankora village in Rwinkwavu sector, is said to have tried to rape Godance Bashimiyimana on Thursday night.

Bashimiyimana, a senior one student at Rwinkwavu secondary school said that the suspect forced the door of her room open and tried to rape her but was rescued by neighbours.

"He knocked at my door several times and when I refused his advances he broke through it,” she said. "I fought strongly until neighbours came in to help.”

The girl’s mother, Polinariya Uwiringiyimana, who reported the case to authorities, said she was shocked.

"The suspect is my age mate. He has children of the same age, I just can’t understand his conduct,” she said.

The accused however, denied the charges, claiming it was malicious propaganda against him.
