GET INSPIRED : You are what you think you are

Have you ever wondered why some people are treated with much respect than others, why one person will be addressed as a sir and yet others with no titles? It is because of the way you take yourself that makes people have a certain kind of attitude towards you.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Have you ever wondered why some people are treated with much respect than others, why one person will be addressed as a sir and yet others with no titles?

It is because of the way you take yourself that makes people have a certain kind of attitude towards you.

As children when we were growing up, we used to respect some teachers and yet we took some others for granted and this was simply because of the way they each conducted themselves.

Those that solicited respect got it and those that were never sure of themselves were ever minimized by the pupils.

If you sell yourself cheap people will always look at you in the same way and if think you are not capable, that is what will be seen in you and the reverse is true.

The way you think can affect your life profoundly either positively or negatively but why should one have a negative thinking about oneself!

David Schwartz in his book ‘The magic of thinking big’ wrote that "if you think you can, then you can…therefore if you have not accomplished what you wanted, that means you have been thinking limited thoughts.

The kind of thoughts you put in your mind greatly determine what you get at the end of the day. If you think of losing more than you think of winning you will loose motivation to move on and instead build stronger walls of fear in your mind.

Thinking negatively will always attract negativity in your life this is the time when you discover that every time you want to try, you don’t think you can handle and instead of trying you simply coward off.

The more time you spend thinking about negativity the more scary the situation becomes and hence the more you will feel the pull to run away and hide in the thickest of your fears.

You do have the potential to achieve your desires so start thinking positively about your self; stop under rating your self you will make others under rate you too.

What you think of your self is what other people will see in you if you think you are inferior you will be inferior.

Remember you can be an overall winner even when you are just a beginner, for a wise person is a master to their own thoughts and a fool only becomes a slave to theirs.