Parents urged to fight Aids among children

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI  — The world Aids day was last weekend celebrated at Gihembe refugee camp, with a call on parents to fight Aids spread among the children.

Monday, December 03, 2007


GICUMBI  — The world Aids day was last weekend celebrated at Gihembe refugee camp, with a call on parents to fight Aids spread among the children.

"Parents should speak to their children about the dangers of HIV/Aids because they are the future leaders,” said Bernadette Muteshi, of United Nations high commission for refuges [UNHCR].

The day was marked by testimonies of Congolese refugees living with the virus, drama, poems and dance aimed at raising awareness about the dangers and preventive measures of the virus.

The celebrations were organized by the American Refugee Committee in conjunction with the ministry of Local Government.

UNHCR is mandated to fight HIV/Aids in refugee camps and defend Refugee rights internationally. In addition, the UN agency also provides family planning by distributing free condoms among other services.

Theophile Nteziryayo, the area disease Coordinator said the National Treatment and Research Aids Centre [TRAC] have offered to give antiretroviral drugs to refugees living with the virus at Gihembe camp.

He said the district Aids Commission has also helped to fight the spread of the virus at the camp.
