Mutsindashyaka appeal to be heard today

The hearing of an appeal by the former Minister of Primary and Secondary Education and his three colleagues convicted in a case of mismanaging state resources starts today at Gasabo Intermediate Court.

Friday, January 15, 2010
IN THE DOCK: Theoneste Mutsindashyaka

The hearing of an appeal by the former Minister of Primary and Secondary Education and his three colleagues convicted in a case of mismanaging state resources starts today at Gasabo Intermediate Court.

The group was convicted for misuse and failure to account for Rwf1.7 billion meant to construct headquarters for the Eastern Province.

They include Vincent Gatwabuyege, former Permanent Secretary of Minifra, Alexis Mugarura a local constructor, John Wilson Sekaziga, a consultant monitoring the construction works.

Mutsindashyaka was convicted to one year in prison and Gatwabuyege and his two colleagues were sentenced to four years.

Mutsindashyaka faces fresh charges of under declaring his assets in a case that is yet to be heard.
