Revised law on genocide denial appropriate

Editor,I was pleased to read in yesterdays The New Times that the National Commission for the fight against Genocide (CNLG) has decided to stregthen the the law that punished the denial of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I was pleased to read in yesterdays The New Times that the National Commission for the fight against Genocide (CNLG) has decided to stregthen the the law that punished the denial of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi.

I found out that the those hell bent on negating and denying the Genocide have done so because there’s no right law to punish their criminal acts.

The fact of the matter is that Article 4 of the Penal Code, isn’t complete because it doesn’t punish those  who deny the Genocide outside the borders of this nation.

Therefore, people in western capitals can say whatever they like without any repercussion. That is not right.

Even if the updated law can’t catch all those deniers, they will think twice about their acts, they will not just say whatever they like.

Especially when dealing with the memory of the more than a million souls Rwanda lost.

Samantha Mugabe