Institutions should work in tandem with SFAR

Editor,As a student that was sponsored by the Student Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR), I was tempted to not write this letter.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
The head of SFAR, Emmanuel Muvunyi. SFAR has to treat students with more understanding

As a student that was sponsored by the Student Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR), I was tempted to not write this letter.

When I was a recipient of their funds,which are really ours since they come from our taxes, I didn’t have many problems getting the money.

Sure I got the monthy allocatments at strange times, but at least I got my monies and I sucessfully graduated.

However, that being said, reading yesterdays article, where several students who had turned up for their first year at Kigali Institute of Education, only to find that their names did not appear on the list of those to be sponsored by the Student Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR) and instead told to return to their homes.

And now, after spending a week at the institute’s premises, hundreds of first year students are seeking explanations from SFAR and the Ministry of Education.

These angry students say that their names appeared in local newspapers as government sponsored students.

Why in the world can’t the institution work in tandem with SFAR and the Ministry of Education and resolve the issue quickly?

Personally, I’m ashamed that things should have gotten to that stage, where students are camping at KIE without admissions.

I think that SFAR has to pull up its socks.

Collin Karenzi