Genocide suspect apprehended on return from France

KIGALI - They say you can run but you cannot hide from the long arm of the law as Jean Rwabahizi, a genocide suspect who has been hiding in France for 3 years, discovered. He was arrested on his return from Europe. Rwabahizi, a former driver of the French Embassy in Kigali, was apprehended by Police shortly after he arrived in the country on the basis of an arrest warrant issued earlier for his participation in the 1994 Genocide. He had already sought citizenship in France.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

KIGALI - They say you can run but you cannot hide from the long arm of the law as Jean Rwabahizi, a genocide suspect who has been hiding in France for 3 years, discovered. He was arrested on his return from Europe.

Rwabahizi, a former driver of the French Embassy in Kigali, was apprehended by Police shortly after he arrived in the country on the basis of an arrest warrant issued earlier for his participation in the 1994 Genocide. He had already sought citizenship in France.

In an interview with The New Times, Police Spokesperson Supt. Eric Kayiranga confirmed the development but could not reveal the reason behind the arrest.

"Yes we arrested him. We have been working with Gacaca Courts and they have the details of the cases levelled against him which all relate to the genocide,” Kayiranga said.

He is currently detained in Kimironko Prisons.
Rwabahizi who is said to own property in Remera and Kiyovu had earlier in 2006 appeared before Gacaca courts to answer charges related to murdering 3 people during the1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and also conspiring in many other killings.

Sources in Gacaca told The New Times that Rwabahizi participated in killings in Rugunga, Kiyovu area where he was a resident at the time.

He appeared before Gacaca courts in Kiyovu but later managed to sneak out of the country following the 2006 breakdown of diplomatic relations between Rwanda and France. He also managed to sneak out most of his family members to Belgium and France.

For over 20 years, Rwabahizi worked as a driver for the French Ambassador until 2006.

He was accused of having participated in meetings that planned the killings. He is said to have actively participated in the planning and killing of Tutsis of Kiyovu and Nyarugenge area.
