The birthday

Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Mary. When her birthday was one month away, Mary expected wanted a big birthday celebration. Why? She was turning eight.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Mary. When her birthday was one month away, Mary expected wanted a big birthday celebration. Why? She was turning eight.

To Mary’s family, turning eight meant your tail was full grown. Mary and her family were squirrels. And to squirrels, having a full grown tail is a big thing.

Mary wanted to celebrate her birthday with a party, just as her six older friend Linda had. She jealously watched and attended those parties, while secretly planning her own birthday. The only thing Mary could think about was her party.

She could imagine who was going to be there, what gifts she would get, and what games they would play. Mary decided to start planning about her party, so she asked her Mom.

"Hey mom, when can I have my birthday party?”

"Mary, Mary, Mary, your birthday is not for this month, but be patient. Good things come to those who are patient. Go clean your room,” her mother replied. Sadly, Mary did as she was told. The next week, Mary decided to ask her mother about her birthday party.

"Hey mom, when can I have my birthday party?”

"Well, we are too busy. I don’t think we will have time to have your birthday party. Sorry dear, but maybe next year you will have one,” her Mother replied.

"What are you talking about mum? What do you mean we won’t have time for your party? All of the others; Sam, Sarah, Linda, Fred, Susan and Steve all had parties. Why can’t I have one? I am sure you could find some time for me.”

"I’m sorry, Mary. We just can’t have it right now,” her mother answered with apology.

"Fine,” Mary said. She went and cleaned around, wanting to cry or scream at her mom, but she shouldn’t.

The days went by slowly and Mary grew impatient for the presents she would get. She always dreamt of that beautiful Teddy bear that she wanted so badly.

Imagine that beautiful dress with shoes Mary had always wanted. Another Jewel watch like the one she got when was younger would be the talk of her life if she had it again. When the big day was less than a week away, Mary’s mother asked her what she wanted to do on her birthday.

"I guess I will just go shopping,” Sarah replied miserably.

"Okay, I will have the maid take you shopping. You two come home around 3:00 pm, okay?” her mother directed.

So, Mary accepted thinking shopping was all for her birthday since her parents never had time for the party. Finally, the day was here. Mary and the maid had gone shopping and purchased some cool clothes.

Annoyingly, the maid pushed her not to get a teddy bear claiming no money was left with them. When they got back home, Mary opened her eyes and you know what, it was "SURPRISE.” Her mother had made her a surprise party and everyone was there.

Best of all, she received the prettiest teddy bear ever, in Pink with its clothes. And the moral of the story is, always be patient and good things will come your way.
