Shed those inner fears that you harbor; bring them to the light

How do we know for sure that we are harboring fear deep within us? These core fears are the ones that keep us stuck in our present life situations whether we like them or not. This may sound like an attack on your “common sense” or your “rational mind” or your house keeping ability, but I assure you it’s not! It’s more than likely that the fears you hold deep inside you are manifesting in your outer experience as they naturally should and will by law.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How do we know for sure that we are harboring fear deep within us? These core fears are the ones that keep us stuck in our present life situations whether we like them or not.

This may sound like an attack on your "common sense” or your "rational mind” or your house keeping ability, but I assure you it’s not!

It’s more than likely that the fears you hold deep inside you are manifesting in your outer experience as they naturally should and will by law.

So here is the question; is your closet full to bursting with clothes you haven’t worn for 10 or 5 or even 1 year? Do you have neat little piles of clothes on the floor because you don’t know where else to put them?

Is your garage so full of "stuff” that you don’t know what it all is anymore? Do you save magazines, books and stack them up against the wall?

Go over to one of the piles of clothes and lift it up; are there little crawly bugs, centipedes and millipedes scattering? These little bugs are the perfect analogy to the fears you keep deep within you!

There are many "excuses” to stock pile clothes and items you will never likely wear again. One of the good ones is "memories”, or that they might come back into style again.

There is really only one true reason for hoarding like this and it is "fear”; fear of lack, fear of never having enough in your life. Most of us have this fear to some degree so you are certainly not alone.

You spent hard earned francs on all that stuff and you fear you may not have enough money in the future to buy more "stuff.” Sounds self defeating doesn’t it?

This is what the "rational mind” can do to you! Do not forget... the mind is "tool” and you must use it, for if you don’t, your mind will absolutely use you! Many of us allow it to do just that.

So watch those little bugs scatter and realize, "my God, I’m harboring fears of never having enough in this life!” At the same time realize that by entertaining that fear, and by "law of attraction”, you will definitely "experience” not having enough in this life, because "fear” is a very strong emotion.

Give the clothes away; if you think you might wear something next Christmas, give it away now, there are lots of charity organizations that can use that sort of excess!

You will find a freedom such as you’ve never felt in your life and all of those bugs will dry up and die and more importantly those little fears will also dry up and die too!

I am not making a joke of this it is a serious situation to be in. Be the bravest you have ever been and face your deep seated fears, the only way to witness your fears "scatter” in all directions is to shed a little "light” on them.

Emmanuel Nyagapfizi is a regular contributor to The New Times