Lightning claims two more lives in Gatsibo

GATSIBO – Barely a week after four people were struck dead by lightning in Gatsibo district, two more lost their lives to lightning on Sunday in the same district. Police confirmed the dead as Lovis Nyiramagambo and Felicien Mukunzi, both residents of Marimba cell in Kabarore sector. 

Monday, January 11, 2010

GATSIBO – Barely a week after four people were struck dead by lightning in Gatsibo district, two more lost their lives to lightning on Sunday in the same district.

Police confirmed the dead as Lovis Nyiramagambo and Felicien Mukunzi, both residents of Marimba cell in Kabarore sector. 

‘They were killed by lightning at around 8pm. The lightning struck them following a heavy down pour that lasted seven hours,’ a source at Kabarore Police Post said.

One of the eye witnesses, Eric Maniragaba said that the two lost their lives while seeking shelter from the rain near his home.

‘The two came near my house seeking shelter, lightning hit and killed them instantly,” he said. "We rushed to the scene and found they were already dead.’
