Hotelier threatens to sue Reco-Rwasco

MUHANGA - A local businessman in Nyamabuye sector in Muhanga district has threatened to sue employees of Rwanda Water and Power utility (Reco-Rwasco) for failing to turn up for a party in which they allegedly made reservations. Vedaste Nzeyimana, the owner of Safari Bar accuses eight Reco-Rwasco company workers in the area of failing to turn up for their New Year’s celebrations after making bookings for a party on January 7.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

MUHANGA - A local businessman in Nyamabuye sector in Muhanga district has threatened to sue employees of Rwanda Water and Power utility (Reco-Rwasco) for failing to turn up for a party in which they allegedly made reservations.

Vedaste Nzeyimana, the owner of Safari Bar accuses eight Reco-Rwasco company workers in the area of failing to turn up for their New Year’s celebrations after making bookings for a party on January 7.

He claims that this led him to make a loss of Rwf198, 200.  
Reco-Rwasco boss, Marc B. Runoro, denied the allegations saying that "they were only inquiring on a suitable place to host the party and there was no confirmation that is why people chose to go to another place.” 

Runoro added that there was no agreement to that  effect which can be used against them.

On his part , Nzeyimana stresses that he was not informed of any changes in the arrangements. And he has been hosting the group in the past without necessitating prior documentations, he added.  

Sources indicate that the Reco-Rwasco employees instead opted to have their new year’s party at GM Lando Hotel- a kilometer away from Safari Bar.

It is believed that the group had disagreements on where to host the party, which resulted in abandoning the earlier arrangements with Safari Bar. 
