Ex-combatants train in cooperatives management

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Members of three cooperative societies belonging to 27 Ex-combatants last Friday completed ten-day training in cooperative management at Byumba Sector.

Monday, December 03, 2007


GICUMBI — Members of three cooperative societies belonging to 27 Ex-combatants last Friday completed ten-day training in cooperative management at Byumba Sector.

 Participants comprised of those engaged in welding and metal works, Bee farming and honey processing and sugar cane farmers hailing from Gicumbi district.

The workshop was organized by Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission.

Handing over certificates to the group, the commissioner of Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission, Fred Nyamurangwa urged the former rebels to use their package wisely and refrain from money wasting non- productive habits.  "You have to program your activities and have a vision,” he said.

During the training, the group learnt Project formation and feasibility study, managing cooperative societies, balancing books of accounts and conflict resolution methods among members of cooperative societies.

Sector executive secretary, Jean Marie Gahano advised the ex-combatants to work closely with grass root leaders in their localities in order to achieve development of their projects.

He reaffirmed the government’s commitment to support income generating projects for former rebels in the country.
