Avoid toxic products during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural condition and even though brings significant changes in women’s life; it can be easily overcome by having a balanced lifestyle and support from the family. It is important to mention that a pregnant woman should be aware of her condition and should adopt a proper diet in order to maintain a good health for herself and for the baby.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Pregnancy is a natural condition and even though brings significant changes in women’s life; it can be easily overcome by having a balanced lifestyle and support from the family.

It is important to mention that a pregnant woman should be aware of her condition and should adopt a proper diet in order to maintain a good health for herself and for the baby.

In addition to this, women should inform themselves regarding the foods that should present risks and should be avoided during the pregnancy and choose only the ones that aren’t considered dangerous for the baby.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is extremely dangerous. Scientific studies have proven over and over again that regular or excessive alcohol intake during pregnancy can have serious harmful effects on your baby. 

When a woman who is pregnant drinks alcohol, the alcohol will pass through the placenta to her baby. Because the baby’s body processes the alcohol much slower, the baby’s blood alcohol level can be higher and remain higher for longer than the mother’s blood alcohol level.

No amount of alcohol is considered safe during pregnancy.
Problems linked to alcoholism during pregnancy include; low birth weight, vision problems, hearing problems, mood disorders, slower than normal physical development, slower than normal mental development, slower than normal emotional development, deformation of the ribs and sternum, curvature of the spine, dislocation of the hips, missing or damaged fingers or toes, joint damage, facial abnormalities, nearsightedness,  failure of the eyes to move in the same direction, cleft palate, deformities of the ears, deformities of the interal organs,  deformities of the genital organs,  heart defects, heart problems, kidney defects, urinary tract defects, brain abnormalities, brain damage, learning disabilities, irritability, poor coordination.

Uncooked food materials

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite found in cat faeces. It can also be present in; raw or undercooked meat and soil left on unwashed fruit and vegetables.

Although rare, toxoplasmosis can be passed to the unborn baby, which can cause serious problems. To reduce the risk of toxoplasmosis, one should avoid the ; unwashed raw fruit and vegetables,  raw or undercooked meat, packed meat.

Meat and poultry

Make sure all meat and chicken are cooked until juices run clear. The risk of bacterial food poisoning is much higher when one is pregnant due to changes in the body and metabolism.


There are many dairy products that are healthy during pregnancy, but anything that is not pasteurized should be avoided because they could cause a food borne illness. Soft cheeses should also be avoided.


One can drink caffeine during pregnancy, but in limited quantities. Too much caffeine may be associated with low birth rate and miscarriage.

Not too much of vitamin A

While one is pregnant make sure the diet doesn’t include too much vitamin A. A person normally does need some but if too much vitamin A builds up in the body, it can harm your unborn baby.

Eating a normal, well-balanced diet should give you all the vitamin A your body needs.
Liver contains high levels of vitamin A, so it is advisable not take too much of it.

Avoid some types of fish

Do not eat some types of fish while pregnant. Some fish contain a high level of mercury, which can damage your baby’s developing nervous system. Do not eat shark, swordfish, and marlin.

Pregnant women should be quite careful when they choose their foods and drinks and they should always look on the labels in order to detect the substances that are considered dangerous for their pregnancy.

A toxic substance which is found most of the times in soft drink and candies is aspartame, a chemical product that may lead to severe disease such as cancer.
