‘Never again’ must indeed be upheld

EDITOR, The message delivered by a Canadian academic and author on the Rwandan genocide, Gerry Caplan during a lecture at the National Commission for the fight against Genocide was important and should be taken serious. Just like he emphasized, its only nations that have witnessed genocide that are capable of upholding the principle of Never Again. 

Friday, January 08, 2010


The message delivered by a Canadian academic and author on the Rwandan genocide, Gerry Caplan during a lecture at the National Commission for the fight against Genocide was important and should be taken serious.

Just like he emphasized, its only nations that have witnessed genocide that are capable of upholding the principle of Never Again.

Otherwise our friends elsewhere simply chorus the slogan for political interests and usually as empty rhetoric.

Therefore, the onus falls on the shoulders countries who have witnessed firsthand this misery to ensure that Never Again is indeed Never again, like the Canadian author rightly puts it.

This slogan was sung for several years ever since the Holocaust but this did not stop a genocide from happening in our Rwanda.

This is why I laud government’s move to establish a permanent commission for the fight against genocide. 

Infact if it were possible, countries or communities that have witnessed this grave crime on humanity should come together under a specific grouping to ensure that they are a strong voice that acts as a whistle blower whenever signs of a genocide begin show anywhere in world.

That way, we can guarantee that the principle of Never again is upheld.

Richard Rukundo