FOCUS : The Smart Phone Craze

The smart phone phenomenon is one that has taken Rwanda and Africa in general by storm! Everyone wants to own a Blackberry, iPhone or palm pre in order to be able to text with ease, have efficient web access on the move and manage work documents. After using the QWERTY keyboard on a smart phone, you will definitely not want to go back to an ordinary mobile phone keyboard.

Friday, January 08, 2010

The smart phone phenomenon is one that has taken Rwanda and Africa in general by storm! Everyone wants to own a Blackberry, iPhone or palm pre in order to be able to text with ease, have efficient web access on the move and manage work documents.

After using the QWERTY keyboard on a smart phone, you will definitely not want to go back to an ordinary mobile phone keyboard.

It therefore makes sense for millions of people that started dreaming of the new Nexus One phone launched by Google on Tuesday. 

Joseph Owino, managing director of Ugandan based website development firm Owino Solutions Ltd reckons that it is playing a major role in pushing internet usage throughout Africa.

"With the rise of social network sites like facebook, people would love to have quality web access on their phones. As website builders, it is now a core aspect to consider when building websites for African companies.”

So, which of the iPhone, black berry or palm pre is better?  I will save that debate for another day. One thing is for sure – they all have amazing capabilities and functionalities!

What is a smart phone:

There is no industry standard definition for it however a smart phone is a mobile phone offering advanced capabilities, often with computer-like functionality.

Smart phones differ from ordinary mobile phones in two fundamental ways: how they are built and what they can do. The key features include
QWERTY keyboard whereby keys are laid out in the same manner they would be on your computer keyboard.

Web Access: More smart phones can access the Web at higher speeds, thanks to the growth of 3G data networks and the addition of Wi-Fi support to many handsets. In Rwanda and Africa in general,

Messaging: What sets the smart phone apart is its handling of e-mail.

With new innovations taking place, the developers of smart phones are breaking barriers to create new features that will leave you baffled.

The competition:

There is stiff competition among the major companies in the smart phone industry. RIM (Research in Motion) make the black berries, Apple makes the iPhone while Palm make the palm pre. Now Google has entered that market too by releasing the Nexus One.

Every one of these companies are working on new features in a bid to have an edge over their rivals.

The new Google Nexus One Phone:

Many did not see this coming – Search engine giant, Google venturing into Smart phone! On Tuesday, they announced their debut smart phone that they have dubbed the "superphone.”

Google partnered with Taiwanese handset maker HTC in making the new phone that has ability to text without typing. A voice-enabled keyboard allows users to send texts, e-mails or Facebook updates by speaking into the phone.

Nexus One also knows how to keep itself clean. The phone has teflon coated back which repels dust and some dirt which mobile phones encounter on a daily basis (when kept in pockets or on desks or tables).
