FROM THE EDITOR : One week down

Just a simple reminder that 2010 is now ten days old. We at the SundayMag hope that your resolutions are getting a firmer hold and you are already working on them. The team here is also resolute on ensuring that your favourite weekend companion stays one to anticipate every Sunday.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Just a simple reminder that 2010 is now ten days old. We at the SundayMag hope that your resolutions are getting a firmer hold and you are already working on them.

The team here is also resolute on ensuring that your favourite weekend companion stays one to anticipate every Sunday.
In today’s issue, The Hater’s sting seems not to have lost its venom. The Bird Hunter can’t believe the festive season is now part of last year. Our ever guiding Father Casimir reminds us of the importance of ‘standing for something lest we fell for anything’.

Sober, huh! We also get to see the scared side of tough talking but ever humorous Ingina y’Igihanga. He’s already visualising the return of the Amazons…not the great river dwellers, the Anacondas.

Are his fears justified? We’ll leave that to you our lovely reader. Hey, you’ll also get to find out the importance of cheerfulness in Living Life.

And for the fashion lovers, we have your usual column. All in all, there is a host of old and new stuff for you to enjoy this year.

The SundayMag team says, read on and enjoy.
