What the hell is going on here?

I have always said it over and over again and as things stand, I think I’d continue to talk about it possibly until the really culprits change their ridiculous behaviors.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

I have always said it over and over again and as things stand, I think I’d continue to talk about it possibly until the really culprits change their ridiculous behaviors.

I hate to name the culprits but because of the fact they are holding public offices and using their posts to let their sentiments override the interests of the Rwandan people, I wouldn’t hesitate to pick on two supposedly powerful individuals and I hope to be excused for doing what I normally do best.

I assume we all know or have heard of two guys by the names of Dieudonne Disi and Ahmed Ndikumana best known by many football fans in and around the country as Katauti isn’t it?

For starters, Disi is Rwanda’s leading long distance runner, probably the best athlete the country has ever produced and to me, he’s surely our only hope for a medal at the next Olympic Games to say the least.

As for Katauti, he needs no introduction as his name rings bells to everyone’s ears. He’s one of the best defenders to ever grace Rwandan football at both club and international levels.

These two guys are a real asset to Rwandan sports in their respective fields, however-much one may not like them at personal level but when it comes to the best interests of the country, there shouldn’t be this ‘I don’t like him’ attitude as is the case with certain individuals both at the Rwanda National Olympics Committee and Ferwafa.

Like him or loath him, Disi remains the face of Rwandan athletics on the international arena for now and at least for a couple of more years to come.

I remember writing an article about certain people trying much as they could to bring him down and I thought maybe things could change (for the better) after that particular piece but alas, instead the situation is seemingly getting worse by the other day.

The other day, this paper published an article quoting the National Olympics Committee chairman Mr. Ignace Beraho threatening to ban Disi from competing in further international competition including the 2008 Beijing Olympics!

When I saw the story, trust my word, I was hit for a huge six and wondered what the hell is going on here?

Is anyone safe in this country, if a guy like Disi who to me is supposed to be a national hero is being treated like a heap of rubbish?

I don’t want to sound as though supporting his (Disi’s) wrongs but to veto your best competitor from such big games as the Olympics because he’s failed to account for the $19.000 (about Frw10.3M) sponsorship fund from the International Olympics Committee isn’t feasible.

To quote him, Mr. Beraho said, "Disi has gone away from his country’s mission. He was sent to Europe to train for the Olympic Games but he has taken this opportunity to compete in various European road races instead of focusing on his initial mission of preparing for next year’s Olympic Games.”

He went on to say he isn’t totally convinced that the national record holder in 10.000m and half marathon is actually preparing for the Olympics or like he put it, ‘just busy making money in Europe’.

But I wonder if Mr. Beraho has taken trouble to ask himself why Disi hasn’t accounted for the money because initially, it was RNOC’s responsibility to make reports about how the money sent to the benefiting Rwandan athletes had been used, until a time came when Disi could not trust anymore the chaps accounting for it on his behalf.

According to him (Disi), there were times when the chaps at the National Olympics Committee used to receive his quota through their account and make reports indicating how he had used it yet in actually sense, he hadn’t been given even a cent.

So, he used his brains to convince the guys at IOC to send the money through his personal account, something that didn’t go down well with Beraho and his sycophants hence the current clutter.

I believe if Beraho was indeed honest in his capacity as head of the National Olympics Committee and really wished Disi to become a better international athlete on the Rwandan ticket, he would’ve handled this thing of accountability in a more parental manner than he’s doing.

Rather than rushing to sanction that the IOC through its Olympics Solidarity Fund freezes Disi’s sponsorship. Maybe that’s why Disi at only 27, plans to retire from running for his country and concentrate on making his money—he’s not getting the support from the very people supposed to offer it—it’s a pity.

Then enter Katauti and Kazura

When Katauti announced that he was hanging his international playing boots early last year citing differences with Ferwafa, the local football governing body, his decision was greeted with mixed reactions from Rwandans from different walks of life.

The majority wanted and still wants to see him return to the national team but the guys in charge led by Ferwafa supremo Brig. Gen. John Bosco Kazura are not taking any of that.

Again, as the country’s leader in providing the best sports news, commentary and analysis, The New Times this week broke news that the defender is willing to put aside his differences with Ferwafa in order to return to the national team fold.

However, his communication received such a bullying and uncompromising response from Mr. Kazura who said Katauti must be having, like he put, ‘other ideas’ for wanting to return to play for his country!

Can someone ask Afande Kazura for me what he meant when said what he said. Also ask him this other question; what other interests could a player have to play for his country other than doing the best he can?

When I hear the very people supposed to do the best to motivate our international players doing the total opposite, actually doing it to the worst possible extent, I wonder what the hell is going here.

Contact: nku78@yahoo.com