Former Nyagatare Executive Secretary appears in court

NYAGATARE – The former Executive Secretary of Nyagatare sector in Nyagatare district on Tuesday appeared before Nyagatare court of lower instance to answer charges of loss of funds belonging to a cooperative. Sam Mushabe was arrested in September last year together with Rwimiyaga executive secretary, Wilson Mugabo.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

NYAGATARE – The former Executive Secretary of Nyagatare sector in Nyagatare district on Tuesday appeared before Nyagatare court of lower instance to answer charges of loss of funds belonging to a cooperative.
Sam Mushabe was arrested in September last year together with Rwimiyaga executive secretary, Wilson Mugabo.

During the hearing, prosecution accused Mushabe of defrauding members of COBOBENYA, a farmers’ cooperative of  Rwf1.9million.

‘Mushabe used the money to help Robert Kashemeza a former Nyagatare district mayor  to clear the money he was accused of having embezzled,’ prosecution told court.

The prosecutor further said that Mushabe faced charges of abuse of office as he defrauded the cooperative by purportedly taxing it contrary to his job description.

The prosecutor however added that Mushabe, after being cornered by investigators decided to remit the cash he allegedly embezzled into the accounts belonging to the cooperative.

In his defense, Mushabe denied the charges leveled against him. Ruling is set for January 29, 2010 .
