Eatingout: Pizzeria snack restaurant and bar lives up to its own hype

Eating and dining in restaurants is a regular and almost compulsory pattern today given the hectic lifestyles many people live.

Saturday, December 01, 2007
Balcony setting for clients.

Eating and dining in restaurants is a regular and almost compulsory pattern today given the hectic lifestyles many people live.

A good number though, may not have readily available time to go through the traditional cafeteria of buffets, they choose snacks like pizzas and light drinks to catch up with work.

Pizzeria Snack Restaurant and bar is one of those few eateries located along the street to Rubangura taxi stage after the Kigali City main round about.

This is a real eatery that is always crammed with customers yearning for that extra ordinary pizzeria and snack.

The restaurant is down-to-earth, with a noisy front, Rubangura taxi park but without disturbing customers. Pizzeria snack restaurant and bar offers the best so far when it comes to quick pizzas in Kigali.

Francesco, the manager, says his Chefs are strong-minded to make the real quality, with the menu constantly evolving like new machines in the vehicle engine.

He stressed that appearance of pizzas is not as important as substance, that’s why the restaurant takes time to make the best for its customers.

The desserts are a new offer and if you have never tasted a cooked apple, it’s one of the new offers on the menu with chocolate; you can’t afford to miss this one.


The dinning is cool with standard room temperatures which depict a true feeling of natural setting. The restaurant gives room to various people, both Rwandans and foreigners to discuss the state of the world which could make you fit in the conversations of early diners.

The staffs are well gender-balanced, experienced and enthusiastic; they will not spare a minute before attending to you. They stand by the words in their motto: "We are privileged to serve you.”

The décor:

Walls are covered with furnished wood and glass that keep on reflecting customers’ images; taking care of you before and after meals.

The dinning has metallic tables and chairs with a brown-like sponge colour which gives comfort to customers. Besides the reflective glasses, the walls also bear brownish and light green colour paints of African women and men engaged in conversation as they work.

The cuisine:

The menu is very simple and the emphasis is on natural, nutritious and preservative-free ingridients. The restaurant serves mostly fast foods for take-away and sometimes the traditional African buffet.

Pizza is served with pepper and shito sauce complete with fried fillets. The pizza is marinated and stuffed with ginger and garlic-mix garnished with fresh tomato and onion.

Trying out the giant grilled hamburger dressed with plantain salad and the tiger prawns, leaves one’s hunger-raised-appetite catered for.

The menu also includes French delicacies (such as orange duckling, seafood casserole, baked guinea fowl, puff pastry, terrines, croquettes, rabbit pie); specialities of smoked ham, home-made goose liver and home-made pasta, fresh water crayfish, prawns and shrimps, squid as well as a selection of traditional and modern saucers.

The buffet goes with a choice of at least five starters, seven main dishes and desserts, all left to the taste of the diner.

Their buffet service includes rice, fried Irish potatoes, matoke and well prepared meat at a cost of Frw1500.
Given a trial, Pizzeria Snack Restaurant and bar will attend to all your beverage and pizza desires in Kigali City.
