LABOPHAR eyes WHO certification

The only drug manufacturing firm in the country, the Rwanda Pharmaceutical Laboratory (LABOPHAR) is projecting increased local and international recognition of their products as part of a move to increase sales and strengthen their production capacity. “There are some things we need to put in place first if we are to get the WHO certification. If we are through with these changes I believe we shall be certified,” observed Dr Kambanda Rucweri the lab’s head.

Monday, January 04, 2010

The only drug manufacturing firm in the country, the Rwanda Pharmaceutical Laboratory (LABOPHAR) is projecting increased local and international recognition of their products as part of a move to increase sales and strengthen their production capacity.

"There are some things we need to put in place first if we are to get the WHO certification. If we are through with these changes I believe we shall be certified,” observed Dr Kambanda Rucweri the lab’s head.

He also said that some pertinent pre-requisites like the cooling mechanisms for the tablets production department, and enough structures are lacking but with time everything will be in place.

"After these are in place, we shall just call WHO to assess and this will determine whether we shall be given certification or not,” noted Kambada.

The factory has two sections; one producing serum and the other that manufactures tablet drugs. Plans of manufacturing ARVS for HIV/AIDS patients are also underway.

Kambanda added that with the creation of Rwanda Paramedics Centre (RPC), LABOPHAR will become stronger and all its projections will be realised.

He also pointed out that "we are currently facing the problem of budgetary constraints because we have to largely depend on the sales, but I hope under RPC and after we have widened our clientele we shall have enough resources for expansion.”

He emphasised that at this stage LABOPHAR manufactures basic drugs as opposed to specialised drugs and called upon the public to use their drugs because they have the same healing composition just like many drugs manufactured elsewhere which are sold expensively.

The factory’s major market base is in Rwanda however some of their drugs are sold in DRC, Burundi and Tanzania.   
