Human rights forum is right at home in Rwanda

Editor,Rwanda will become the first country on the African continent to host the forthcoming global Inter-generational Forum on Human Rights slated for January 2, 2010 in Kigali, and why not?

Friday, January 01, 2010

Rwanda will become the first country on the African continent to host the forthcoming global Inter-generational Forum on Human Rights slated for January 2, 2010 in Kigali, and why not?

I believe that we have every right to host this event because of what we, as a nation, have made the biggest steps possible in the human rights field since 1994.

All the relevant indicators show that we are improving in leaps and bounds, and the very fact that we were admitted to the Commonwealth, despite efforts by some negative groups to block our application. We argued our case, and won.

So, I’ll welcome all those participants to the cleanest city in Africa. Enjoy yourself.

Timothy Gaaga