Over 200 Genocide remains laid to rest

KARONGI - Remains of 227 victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi were laid to rest yesterday in Karongi district. 200 were recently discovered in Bwishyura Sector buried near Kibuye hospital while the rest came from Rubengera, Mubuga and Twumba sectors.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

KARONGI - Remains of 227 victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi were laid to rest yesterday in Karongi district.

200 were recently discovered in Bwishyura Sector buried near Kibuye hospital while the rest came from Rubengera, Mubuga and Twumba sectors.

Addressing mourners, the Executive Secretary of Western Province, Paul Jabo, urged the residents to provide information on the whereabouts of remains which are still scattered in different parts of the country.

"We all need to work together and accord our fallen friends and relatives a descent burial by readily availing information regarding their deaths and where they were dumped,” Jabo said.

He promised a serious crackdown on people who harbour the Genocide ideology.
