Trade policies improving

Sixty per cent of commercial policies meant to harmonise trade development in the country have been achieved, a study shows.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sixty per cent of commercial policies meant to harmonise trade development in the country have been achieved, a study shows.

The Diagnostic Trade Integration study (DTIS) carried out by several firms however indicates that 33 per cent of the policies are yet to be realized.

Some of the achievements pointed out in the study include the establishment of commercial courts, abolishment of 40 per cent Magerwa fees and reductions of business registration process.

Justin Nsengiyumva, Secretary General Ministry of commerce cited: "Trade policies, SMEs policies and manufacturing policies as some awaiting approval before implementation.”

This was revealed during the action plan review workshop at Novotel Hotel in Kigali on Wednesday. Emile Fundira, the IF (Integrated Framework) Coordinator said there is a drastic trade developments since 2005 albeit obstacles.

Stevenson Nzaramba, a trade analyst said setting up business development centres countrywide is part of the strategy.  Four centres are already operational while eight more are under construction to enhance entrepreneurship skills.
