Christmas greetings and tidings from children

“Christmas is the only day I expect to eat and drink as much as I can. If I was a mother, I would prepare some chips, meat, and rice to please my children on Christmas day.” Annette Mutesi, 11, Kabusunzu Primary School, P.5.

Monday, December 21, 2009

"Christmas is the only day I expect to eat and drink as much as I can. If I was a mother, I would prepare some chips, meat, and rice to please my children on Christmas day.”

Annette Mutesi, 11, Kabusunzu Primary School, P.5.

"Christmas is a day to remember when Jesus was born. We meet friends whom we have taken long without seeing. My favorite food is cassava flour and meat.” 

Fils Iragaba, 15, Kivugiza Primary School, P.5.

"Christmas is a time to start preparing for the New Year. I would like to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my friends.”

Francoise Mukamana, 13, Kabusunzu Primary School, P.5.

"I do not like to go to church but I like to meet friends who come to fellowship on Christmas day. My favourite Christmas food is beans, peas and cassava flour.”

Frank Iradukunda, 14, Kabusunzu Secondary School, S1.

"What makes me happy on Christmas day is that after church, I enjoy different special dishes, I get different gifts from people and I meet many people.”

Gideon Niyonkuru 12, ESKAF Primary School, P.5.

"Christmas means a lot to me when I go for outings with my family. What else would I like to do apart from eating meat, chicken, salads and drinking soda?”
Mizero Josiane, 12, Kabusunzu Secondary School, S.1.

"Christmas does not mean anything when I do not have new clothes, shoes, and if I eat all that I can. I am most happy when we are taken out.”

Pascaline Muyizere, 10, ESKAF Primary School, P.4.

."At our orphanage they normally take us for Christmas celebrations outside Kigali. This Christmas, we are planning to go to Lake Muhazi.”

Protais Mudal, 14, Kabusunzu Primary School, P 4.
