Regional experts to enhance implementation of ICT

ICT experts from Regional Economic groupings, the African Union (AU), NEPAD secretariat and UN agencies vowed to speed up implementation of ICT policies and harmonize strategies that support economic development. They made the recommendation on Friday at the closure of a two-day meeting in Kigali. The meeting made a comprehensive review on the status of ICT programmes in Eastern Africa

Sunday, December 20, 2009

ICT experts from Regional Economic groupings, the African Union (AU), NEPAD secretariat and UN agencies vowed to speed up implementation of ICT policies and harmonize strategies that support economic development.

They made the recommendation on Friday at the closure of a two-day meeting in Kigali. The meeting made a comprehensive review on the status of ICT programmes in Eastern Africa

The Regional experts called upon the Regional Economic Communities ( RECs) to promote harmonized ICT sub-regional frame work that support economic development and regional integration

RECs were also reminded to develop and promote strategies that support community-based initiatives using optic fibre and increase broad band penetration in the rural areas
During the workshop the participants agreed to promote the development of centres of excellence to create a pool of trainers that enhance ICT skills at national level
The participants requested the AU and NEPAD member states to promote growth of ICT infrastructure by removing constraints to the establishment of broad band cross boarder networks.

Participants also urged governments to contribute to the funding of basic broad band infrastructure in order to achieve lowering of cost of communication.

The participants are expected to submit the recommendations and work plan of the implementation of AU/NEPAD’S ICT programmes in the sub region to AU conference in Addis Ababa in January 2010.
