A day in the life of.... : Jean de Dieu Kabengera

Jean de Dieu Kabengera is the Job Desk Project Manager at Youth Employment Systems (YES) Rwanda, an on-line portal and physical job search, advertising and recruiting services aimed at enabling the youth in Rwanda find employment.

Friday, December 18, 2009
Jean de Dieu Kabengera

Jean de Dieu Kabengera is the Job Desk Project Manager at Youth Employment Systems (YES) Rwanda, an on-line portal and physical job search, advertising and recruiting services aimed at enabling the youth in Rwanda find employment.

Below, is his typical working day;

By 6a.m I am out of bed and it’s the time I also thank God for enabling me to see the morning and ask Him to bless my day too. I have a shower and breakfast to organize and leave for work from Nyamirambo.

It takes me about 15 minutes to the office. Although it depends on what I have to do, at least before 8 I must be at work.

I check the work email to find if there is any demand for employees by any company and later check my personal email.

I respond immediately if there is any demand and later check amongst the available to select the suitable and capable workforce, depending on the requirements.

I alert those I believe fit for the available opportunity and brief them about what is expected of them.

If I do not have any demand, I check various websites in search for workforce demand.

Depending on what I have on my desk, I might instead visit the tea room to avoid going out for lunch although not always.

I work until 8p.m when I go home. I engage in some domestic work before 10p.m when I have supper. I go to bed at 11p.m.
