In a bid to provide quality education and promote ICT both at primary and secondary school levels, the Ministry of Education with the support of the American organization and The Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA) which apparently plays a key role in promoting ICT, recently donated 100 computers to Rwamagana B primary school at Kayonza.
In a bid to provide quality education and promote ICT both at primary and secondary school levels, the Ministry of Education with the support of the American organization and The Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA) which apparently plays a key role in promoting ICT, recently donated 100 computers to Rwamagana B primary school at Kayonza.
The director in the ministry of Education in charge of ICT Karangwa Eugene said that the initiative of giving laptops to children in primary school started on 16/10/2007 in the Eastern region in Rwamagana at a school called Rwamagana B in Kayonza. Karangwa said that students who received computers will use these computers both at school and at home.
"This will help students learn and gain more knowledge in these computers. This will make students love what they are doing because it is practical” he said. He added, saying, that primary four students were given priority in receiving the computers.”
"Students were taught how to use these computers. They were first taught how to write using the computers, taking pictures and recording”. He said.
Karangwa said that "Right now we are planning to access a net work of which these students will be taught how to send messages, you find that even teachers will be taught how to use these computers because most of them don’t know how to use them. You might even find that some students are better than the teachers in using these computers”.
Karine Umutesi who works with (RITA) said that they are training personnel who will in turn teach the primary children how to use the computers.
"Computers will help teachers in improving their skills as these computers are both in English and French languages.” She revealed. She added that it will help the teachers to teach very well after receiving the internet connection.
One of the teachers at Rwamagana B Ukoribonye David said that, "From the time we received these computers, students no longer miss any class. They enjoy using the computers and it has made them love studying very much.”